D-Day Spearhead Brigade (Softback)



D-Day Spearhead Brigade: The Hampshire’s, Dorset’s & Devon’s on 6th June 1944 by Christopher Jary.

At 0730 hours on D-Day, 231 Malta Brigade were the first British infantry to land in Normandy. The 1st Hampshire’s led by a whisker, closely followed by the 1st Dorsets and then by the 2nd Devon’s.

This was the Brigades third assault landing in eleven months. In July 1943 they had led the landing on Sicily. Eight weeks later they landed on the toe of Italy. Now, on 6th June 1944, they were first ashore near Arromanches, where they fought and won the most important battle of their lives. Based on the testimony of 83 survivors, D-Day Spearhead Brigade tells the story of the men who seized the first bridgehead and began the liberation of Occupied Europe.

Christopher Jary uses the stories and testimonies of the brave men of the Hampshire’s, Dorset’s and Devon’s to offer a more personal and emotive look at the events of D-Day and to illustrate their courage and their sacrifice.

“Extremely well researched with a wealth of information and so well-paced that the story develops an energy of it’s own as it progresses. It is a joy to read”. Denis Bounsall DCM, who landed at 0730 on D-Day with the 1st Battalion, Dorset Regiment.

D-Day Spearhead Brigade is a must read for anybody interested in D-Day and the history of the Hampshire Regiment, Dorsetshire Regiment and Devonshire Regiment. The book tells the story of 231 (Malta) Brigade on D-Day, 6th June 1944.

Please note that this is the Softback edition of D-Day Spearhead- Hardback editions are also available here.

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